Actuaries OnTap has been established to offer insurance companies bespoke advice and support based on many years of practical experience


We don’t profess to have all the answers. However in our areas of expertise we would back ourselves to offer valuable insights to help you grow your business.



Provide genuine insights to help your business grow


your use of reinsurance

How efficient is your use of reinsurance?

Click below to find out how you could potentially save millions


experience analysis

Our team will use the latest statistical tools and techniques to help you better understand your historic experience and propose prospective changes to improve your future experience


product development

Provide suggestions to enhance your existing product suite and work with you to develop new ‘wow’ products with the independence to decide whether to retain or reinsure


ACTUARIAL secondments

Experienced resources available on secondment to meet your needs at a cost materially below most alternatives



Interim cover provided to ensure smooth coverage during maternity or paternity leave with pre/post handovers


project DELIVERY

High quality experienced resources to accelerate or deliver your key projects on either a fixed cost or time/materials basis