We provide highly experienced people to support your business when you need them at a price which is materially lower than most alternatives
We have many ideas to help you to grow your business based on broad and relevant practical experience. We have particular strength in new proposition development and helping to enhance your existing product range.
credible experience
We have seen examples of good (and bad) practices across Asia and can advise you on how to strengthen and enhance your key business functions.
We are genuinely independent and will be able to give you unbiased views of the different options available and which one we would recommend for your circumstances.
reasonable cost
Confident that we will add material value to you where the cost / benefit of working with us is compelling. Our rates are materially below most of the alternatives.
product exclusivity
When we work with you to develop a new proposition, this idea is exclusive to you. This means you will have a head start in the market relative to when this is developed via an idea from a reinsurer that is pitched to multiple insurers concurrently.
hands on support
Happy to be as hands on as you would like us to be. We will add positively to your culture and working environment and will be rewarding to work with.